
About us

Our mission is to work with museums nationwide to make them more welcoming of children, young people and families.

Since we were founded in 2003, we have led significant change in the museum and heritage sector, with family friendliness and the active involvement of young people becoming central to many organisations. Read more about our history.

We support and champion family friendly organisations all over England and Wales through a range of simple, but powerful programmes, the majority of which are free of charge to access.

What we do for museums

Heritage organisations can sign up to our Kids in Museums Manifesto, which sets out simple guidelines for making museums easy to reach for all ages.

We offer a wide range of online resources and training days on a variety of themes to support your work with children, young people and families. We also offer bespoke consultancy for individual organisations or regional groups.

Kids in Museums celebrates family friendly museums and gives a voice to young and family visitors through our annual Family Friendly Museum Award.

We empower children and young people to take an active role in museums through our Digital Takeover Day and on Takeover Day, when children and young people take over museum jobs normally reserved for adults.

How we are funded

We are a charity funded by Arts Council England as a Sector Support Organisation for the museum sector, the Welsh Government’s Museums, Libraries and Archives Division for our work in Wales, and a range of generous trusts and foundations. Find out how you can support us.

What we stand for

We have made a series of commitments on how we will act on issues that affect children, young people and families.