1. Express your style with the Museum of the Home

If you’re a bit bored of your own four walls, the Museum of the Home wants to show you your house is still an amazing source of kindness, creativity and imagination! Can you sum up your style in a poster? Can you write a poem about your window view? Look at their online family activities.

2. Make a fossil with Lyme Regis Museum

Create your own ichthyosaur, plesiosaur or ammonite with these downloadable craft guides from Lyme Regis Museum and artist Darrell Wakelam.

3. Colour with St Paul’s Cathedral

The current St Paul’s Cathedral rose out of the ashes of the Great Fire of London and survived the Blitz. Resilience and hope are the themes of their distance learning resources, covering topics from history to maths.

4. Join the Novium Space School with the Novium Museum

Find out what it take to be an astronaut, solve a theft in the bath house and learn to speak as the Romans do with the Novium’s Story Time sessions.

5. Learn about Paralympic Sport with National Paralympic Heritage Trust

How much do you know about Paralympic sport? Download activity sheets for all ages on the National Paralympic Heritage Trust’s website to introduce and teach children the history and ethos of the Paralympic Movement. Visit the website.

6. Create a film with the Devil’s Porridge Museum

This Scottish museum is inviting you to make a documentary film based on its collection. Choose an object or story from the museum and research it, then create a film using free editing software. It could be acting out a scene, creating an animation, reciting a speech or poem or something else. Find out more.

7. Become a Virtual Viking with Jorvik Viking Centre

Find activities, downloads, videos and audio recordings about Viking life and culture. Try writing runes, do Viking-themed puzzles and make a Viking helmet mask on the Jorvik Viking Centre website.

8. Get chatting with your grandparents with Sainsbury Archive

The Sainsbury Archive wants to get generations talking about food, shopping and working life, past and present. Their online resources include a guide to interviewing an older person, a recipe card template and a shopping spinner to inspire your next groceries trip.

9. Achieve Arts Award with Lapworth Museum of Geology

The Lapworth Museum has developed a range of fun and engaging activities that young people can take part in at home in order to gain their Arts Award Discover certificate. Find out more.

10. Go on an expedition with the Scott Polar Research Institute

Pack for a polar expedition, become a reporter, make an origami penguin and discover life in the Antarctic with the Polar Museum’s at home resources.